Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Intro To My Blog

Hello World! My name is Sid Pierce and I'm starting this blog because I find it hard to find guides on how to raise compassionate children. Now, in full disclosure, a lot of what I'll be writing about is the vegan aspect of our life and how the love and compassion that we feel for other living things is a big part of how me and my wife have had so much luck in raising such loving children. If you ask any of our friends/family they will tell you that they are amazed at how much of an "old soul" our kids have and how loving they are. It isn't just our diet, it's the music we listen to, the people we allow in to our lives, the way we interact at home, and a number of other things that I will write about in the future.

 Now, if you're thinking that if you're not vegan/vegetarian than you won't get anything out of this than you're 100 % wrong. Unlike a lot of my vegan buddies I am NOT a "preachy" vegan. While I do most assuredly believe that humans are not meant to consume animals, I also realize that, just as in Christianity or any other belief system, being judgmental and overly pushy will do nothing but push those away who you are trying to reach. Who in the hell would want to be one of "those people" if all that happens is you too become a judgmental  person? So basically what I'm saying is that you won't hear me calling you meat eaters "murders" or "nazi's" or any of the other horrible things I hear in our so called "compassionate" lifestyle.

  So that's pretty much it. In this blog I hope to touch on all aspects of ways to raise a new generation of compassionate, loving, happy, healthy children. You don't have to be vegan to get anything from what I will say. You don't have to be a hippie (although it doesn't hurt lol) and you most definitely don't have to implement all things that I suggest. My main goal is to give you some pointers that have worked for me and my wife over that last 9 years with our 3 children. I might even have them post a thing or two from time to time about how they feel about life and it's value. You will see why I feel like I have a thing or two to say about raising compassionate kids.



  1. I cannot wait to read more! I am soo happy you decided to write a blog about this. Would love to know the similarities between your family and mine when it comes to raising compassionate children!

  2. Why thank ya Super Chick! I hope you enjoy it. I've been trying to think of a way to explain about compassionate parenting beyond just a vegan diet.

  3. So nice to see you writing! You're gonna' help a lot of people to see the light, eat right, and raise happy, healthy kids!! LYB
